ASEE Ralph Coats Roe Award, 2017-18: The award recognizes a mechanical engineering educator who is an outstanding teacher and who has made the notable professional contributions. The award is sponsored by the Mechanical Engineering Division of ASEE and consists of a $10,000 honorarium, a plaque and travel expense reimbursement for attendance at the ASEE Annual Conference. The award is funded by an endowment provided by Burns and Roe, Inc. in honor of Kenneth A. Roe’s distinguished father.
STEER STEM Teaching Award, USF, Fall 2016: Chosen based on achievement in evidence-based teaching and a commitment toward students and the student success initiative. Recipients serve as ambassadors of excellent STEM teaching practice and provide workshops and STEM newsletter articles aimed at fellow STEM instructors.
Last Lecture, “Reflections of an Ordinary Man for the Millennial Generation”, USF, April 10, 2014: Given by a distinguished faculty, administrator or staff, as if you were to have one last chance to speak to a group, what would your message be? The intention is that a hypothetical ‘last’ lecture will evoke inspirational, engaging and entertaining messages.
State of Florida Resolution, SR 1900, April 30, 2013: Recognizing the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) 2012 United States Outstanding Doctoral and Research Universities Professor of the Year, Autar Kaw, Ph.D., etc. Link to Resolution
Phi Kappa Phi Artist-Scholar Award, USF, 2013: The USF Phi Kappa Phi Artist-Scholar Award honor those individuals who demonstrate the ideals of the Society through their activities, achievements, and scholarship at USF.
Kosove Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Service Award, USF, 2013: Given once a year by the Kosove Society for a professorship to recognize USF professors whose careers have brought them national distinction in teaching and service.
Outstanding Faculty Award, USF, 2014: Recognizes recent professional recognition of USF faculty by many of the world’s top scholarly and research organizations.
Student Government Senate Resolution, USF, HB [R] 53-012: Recognizing the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) 2012 United States Outstanding Doctoral and Research Universities Professor of the Year, Autar Kaw.
Fulbright Specialist Roster, 2013-19: The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas. The program awards grants to qualified U.S. faculty and professionals, in select disciplines, to engage in short-term collaborative projects
U.S. Professor of the Year, Doctoral and Research Universities, CFAT & CASE, 2012: Given once a year to recognize excellence in undergraduate education jointly by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT) and Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
ASEE National Outstanding Teaching Award, 2011: The ASEE Outstanding Teaching Medal is designed to provide national recognition to an engineering or engineering technology educator for excellence in outstanding classroom performance, contributions to the scholarship of teaching, and participation in ASEE Section meetings and local activities.
ASEE-SE Outstanding Teaching Award, 2010: The ASEE Southeastern Section Outstanding Teaching Award is intended to recognize faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional contributions to engineering or engineering technology education through outstanding classroom performance.
ASEE DELOS Best Paper Award, 2006: The Division for Experimentation and Laboratory Oriented Studies (DELOS) of ASEE recognizes individuals for excellence in the preparation and presentation of a paper in a DELOS session at the ASEE Annual Conference.
Fellow ASME, 2005: Fellows have attained a membership grade of distinction who have been responsible for significant engineering achievement
Florida U.S. Professor of the Year, CFAT & CASE, 2004: Given once a year for excellence in undergraduate education in the 50 US states jointly by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT) and Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
ASME Curriculum Innovation Award, ASME, 2004: Given once a year to recognize & encourage innovation in Mechanical Engineering education
Archie Higdon Mechanics Educator Award, ASEE, 2003: Given once a year to an outstanding mechanics educator in the nation
Engineer of the Year, ASME Florida West Coast Section, 2003: Given once a year for outstanding contributions and professional services to engineering
Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award, USF, 1999: Given once a year to an outstanding teacher in the university
Teaching Incentive Program Award, State University System of Florida, 1997, 1994: Given to about 8% of the faculty in public universities of Florida who are outstanding in undergraduate teaching
College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, USF, 1995, 1990: Given to an outstanding teacher in the college
University-Wide Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, USF, 2007, 1996, 1990: Given to about 1-2% of faculty who are outstanding teachers in the university. Link to 2007 Award
Outstanding Contributions in Research Award, Southeast Section of American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), 1996: Given based on selecting the best technical paper submitted by Colleges of Engineering in the Southeast USA
Outstanding New Mechanics Educators Award, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), 1992: Given to an outstanding mechanics educator in the nation with less than five years of educational experience.
Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 1991: Given to engineering educators in the nation to recognize teaching, research and service
Faculty Honor Guard, USF, 1989/90: Nominated by students and given to about six faculty members in the university
Dupont Fellow, NSF/ASEE Faculty Development Program, Summer 1989: Given for faculty development that includes stipend and travel expenses.
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Mechanical Engineering Department, Clemson University, 1985: Given to an outstanding teaching assistant in the department.